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Who is stronger: tiger, bear or lion? Unusual friendship between a lion, a tiger, and a bear A bear, a tiger, and a lion have been friends since childhood.

M Balu the bear, Leo the African lion and Sherkhan the Siberian tiger have been living together for 15 years now. They were all found in the basement of a house in Atlanta, Georgia, during a raid on a drug den in 2001. After that, the poor animals, which were treated very badly by the previous owners, were transferred to a non-profit organization for helping wild animals called Noah's Ark (COURTESY NOAH'S ARK).

Leo had a severe wound on his nose from being in a cramped cage. Baloo's collar was never taken off, he just grew into the bear's neck. After some time, when all the wounds of the cubs healed and they became full-fledged animals, it was decided to place them in different enclosures.

However, their health deteriorated sharply: they began to refuse food and constantly feel sad for their childhood friends. The management decided to launch the three "kings of nature" - a bear, a lion and a tiger - into one enclosure with an area of ​​1.01 hectares, through which a natural stream flows.

To date, this is the only known case when three large "top" predators of different species live so close to each other and so amicably. All three are males and about the same age. June 21 2 Noah's Ark throws a real party in honor of their birthday!

As you can see, the animals have not forgotten their childhood: those moments when they experienced bullying together, how they recovered and played together. They will still protect each other no matter what. Perhaps we, the creators of nature, should learn something from them?

In the animal world. The bear's name is Baloo, the lion's name is Leo, and the tiger's name is Sherkhan. They have been together since childhood, and for 15 years now they have been living together in the territory of the Noah's Ark animal shelter in the state of Georgia.

The trinity is known as BLT - Bear, Lion, Tiger.


The animals were found during a police raid in the basement of a house in Atlanta.

Back in 2001 w "/>

The only time the trio were not together was during Operation Baloo.
Back in 2001, the animals were found in the basement of a house in Atlanta during another raid to catch drug dealers.
The animals were kept in terrible conditions, Baloo even had to undergo emergency surgery, as he lived in a cage too small for his size.
It was only during Baloo's treatment that the trinity was separated, but as soon as the bear recovered, he returned to his friends, and since then the animals live in perfect harmony, not paying attention to differences.


There are no disputes between animals.


It is not uncommon to see these predators peacefully licking each other.


The shelter workers hoped to cure the animals and release them into the wild.

However, in nature such a union is impossible, and here, under the care of man, animals feel better than anywhere else.


The black bear, the African lion and the Bengal tiger live in friendship and harmony.


Animals come from different continents, and they did not have a single chance to meet in the wild.


Despite the differences, the animals live like one family.

We have seen many unexpected examples of friendship between animals of different species: between dogs and elephants, cats and foxes, giraffes and ostriches. However, this does not even come close to the friendship and harmony that a black bear (baribal), an African lion and a Bengal tiger can live in. Their amazing friendship breaks all records!

Baloo the bear, Leo the lion and Shere Khan the tiger have been living together peacefully for the past 15 years at Noah's Ark Animal Shelter in Georgia, USA.

The trio, known as BLT (MLT - bear, lion, tiger), were rescued in 2001 from the basement of an Atlanta house during a police raid for drugs. The animals were kept in a basement in appalling conditions, and the bear had to undergo surgery to remove a collar that had grown into his flesh and was not adjusted as the animal grew older. This was perhaps the only time the trio got separated, and they've been happily living together ever since!

Baloo the bear, Leo and Sherkhan the tiger have been living together peacefully for the past 15 years at the Noah's Ark Animal Shelter in Georgia, USA.

They were rescued in 2001 after they were found in the basement of an Atlanta home during a police raid.

The animals were kept in the basement of the house in appalling conditions.

Bear Baloo had to undergo surgery to get his neck out of the collar, which had grown into the flesh, because it was not adjusted as the animal grew older. This was the only time the trio was separated.

Since then, the animals have been happily living together.

Bear, Lion and Tiger Animal Noah's Ark located in Georgia, USA.

They were too traumatized and in captivity for too long to return to the wild after rehabilitation.

But apparently, they are more than happy living together in this refuge.

Baloo is a black bear (baribal), Leo is an African lion and Shere Khan is a Bengal tiger.

Being from three different continents, such animals in the wild would never meet each other.

But, despite their differences, these animals live like brothers and are completely inseparable.

They started life in terrible conditions, but now they live happily together!

Baloo the bear, Leo the African lion and Sherkhan the Siberian tiger have been living together for 15 years now. They were all found in the basement of a house in Atlanta, Georgia, during a raid on a drug den in 2001. After that, the poor animals, which were treated very badly by the previous owners, were transferred to a non-profit organization for helping wild animals called Noah's Ark (COURTESY NOAH'S ARK).

Leo had a severe wound on his nose from being in a cramped cage. Baloo's collar was never taken off, he just grew into the bear's neck. After some time, when all the wounds of the cubs healed and they became full-fledged animals, it was decided to place them in different enclosures.

However, their health deteriorated sharply: they began to refuse food and constantly feel sad for their childhood friends. The management decided to launch the three "kings of nature" - a bear, a lion and a tiger - into one enclosure with an area of ​​1.01 hectares, through which a natural stream flows.

To date, this is the only known case when three large "top" predators of different species live so close to each other and so amicably. All three are males and about the same age.

As you can see, the animals have not forgotten their childhood: those moments when they experienced bullying together, how they recovered and played together. They will still protect each other no matter what. Perhaps we, the creators of nature, should learn something from them?

The incredible friendship between animals is what we would like to talk about in today's article.
Incredible cases of friendship between animals are found all the time. Dogs are friends with elephants, cats with foxes, even ostriches with giraffes ... In one of the Finnish forests, and we have already written about this before. But nothing compares to this beautiful story of friendship: a black American bear, an African lion and a Bengal tiger have been living like brothers for 15 years in one of the animal shelters.

Incredible friendship: these animals prove that everything is possible in nature

Baloo the bear, Leo the lion and Shere Khan the tiger have spent the past 15 years living together at Noah's Ark animal shelter in Georgia

They were rescued in 2001 from the basement of a house in Atlanta during a police raid, and since then they have been living together as best friends.

They were kept underground in terrible conditions.

Baloo even needed an operation

The operation was the only time the three animals lived separately.

Since 2001, they spend every day together, and are very happy.

They were too weak to rehabilitate them and send the wild

But every cloud has a silver lining: now they are more than happy at the animal shelter.

These three species of animals live on different continents, they would never meet in the wild.

Despite their differences, the three friends are inseparable and act like brothers.

See full story here (in English)

Speaking of friendship. With animals, everything is simple, sincere and understandable. They will not portray friendship where the soul does not lie for it. Another thing is people. An article about will help you recognize where a real friend is, and where is a friend who just happened to be with you along the way at this moment in life.

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