Косметология. Прически и макияж. Маникюр и педикюр. Фитнес

Вязание крючком на сетке ковриков. Как связать красивый и практичный коврик крючком

Как связать коврик крючком на сетке своими руками?

Существует множество вариантов изготовления самодельных половичков, например, вязаные коврики из шнуров, старой одежды, полосок фетра.

Возникла еще одна идея из остатков пряжи крючком. Все очень просто — никакой сложной вязки, только самые обычные петельки крючком, как воздушные петли, только на сетке. Так можно утилизировать остатки пряжи от вязания.

Основа — силиконовая сетка, которая кладется под ковер, чтобы он не скользил. Ее можно приобрести в дешевых магазинах, где все по одному евро.

На основе самой обыкновенной сеточной вязки можно связать многоцветный или однотонный (смотрится ничуть не хуже, даже лучше!) толстенький коврик крючком на сетке филе, привязывая ряд столбиков с накидом в определенном порядке к краям ячеек — за счет этого образуются необходимые для этой вещи толщина и объем. Здесь находится описание метода с примерами разных ковровых вариантов в этой технике.

Материалы для коврика крючком своими руками

Пряжу нужно выбирать потолще — это же коврик, а не салфетка! А еще ориентироваться на размер ячеек сеточки — вязка крючком должна полностью покрывать сетку, чтобы ее не было заметно при взгляде сверху. Если нитки, которые вы хотите использовать, тонкие, то возьмите их в несколько сложений, как у меня.

Состав пряжи — в зависимости от назначения, в ванную можно из синтетических волокон, особенно если будет постоянный контакт с водой. Для коврика перед входной дверью, куда мы будем наступать только обувью, как нельзя кстати будет синтетика.
Если вы будете иногда наступать на коврик голыми ногами, то лучше выбрать нитки из смешанных или целиком натуральных волокон — хлопка, шерсти.

Крючок выбрать тоже побольше, маленьким будет неудобно работать с толстой пряжей.

Можно использовать любую дырчатую основу, например, из строительного магазина. Мне хотелось попробовать убить сразу двух зайцев — связать коврик, плюс обеспечить безопасность — должно быть хорошее сцепление с полом. Это та сетка, которая продается во всех хозяйственных магазинах, она специально предназначена для обеспечения хорошего сцепления с полом коврового покрытия.

Если взять жесткую строительную сетку, то это придаст стабильности, силиконовая же мягкая — половичок получается не очень жестким.

Вязание коврика на сетке крючком

Даже если вы совсем не умеете вязать крючком, то эту вязку крючком сможет повторить даже ребенок.

Принцип вязания: вводим крючок сверху вниз в очередную дырочку сетки, вытягиваем нить, протягиваем ее в петлю, которая есть на крючке — все!

Я начала вязать с наружного края сетки, вязала по периметру, от краев к центру. Так мне не надо было часто менять нитки.

Можно вязать крючком по сетке рядами, например, сначала вертикальные, потом горизонтальные, варьировать цвета, тогда конечный результат будет подобен тканному переплетенному полотну, цвета в местах пересечения нитей будут смешиваться.

Если часто менять пряжу, вязать только один ряд (вертикальный или горизонтальный), затем отрывать нить, то получится бахрома. Вариантов много.

Лицевая сторона почти полностью закрыта петельками крючком, которые очень похожи на вязку спицами, нижняя выглядит по-другому, там проходит только одна нитка, за счет этого коврик не скользит, если наступаешь сверху.

Используя такой же принцип вязания на сетке крючком, можно выполнить не только вязаные коврики, а также плед, основой которого служит филейная сетка, он будет мягким, очень теплым, особенно если делать вертикальные-горизонтальные ряды — они будут пересекаться, наслаиваться.

В этом случае неплохо сделать естественную бахрому — сначала нарезать много ниток, равных длине и ширине конечного изделия плюс сантиметров 10 на бахрому по краям. Закрепить концы пряжи на последней ячейке и оставить их свободными. Надеюсь, я понятно описала процесс. Если найду время на такую работу, то покажу отдельно на примере с фотографиями.

Как сделать, чтобы самодельный коврик не скользил

Можно сделать по-разному, я знаю несколько способов.

1. Во-первых, это жидкий каучук. Никогда не пользовалась, не могу сказать как и что. Но, насколько знаю, он просто наносится тонким слоем с обратной стороны.

2. Во-вторых, это способ, который я использовала при изготовлении коврика из полосок фетра. На готовое изделие с нижней стороны нанести хаотично, не жалея, расплавленный клей из клеевого пистолета, дождаться застывания и пока окончательно остынет — можно пользоваться. Проверено — работает.

3. В-третьих, если коврик сделан своими руками, не важно, крючком, спицами, или сделанный из чего-то еще и скользит — купите силиконовую сетку, такую, как я использовала в этой статье, пришейте по краям коврика и в нескольких местах посередине, в зависимости от размеров. Больше ваш коврик скользить не будет, как бы ему этого не хотелось.

Вас может заинтересовать:

Идея создать половичок, декорируя крючком толстой фактурной пряжей материал с рыхлым крупным переплетением — результат ткачества или просто самовязанную или готовую сетку. Особую декоративность изделию придают именно сами нитки — должны использоваться пушистые, рыхлые, мягкие. По толщине приблизительно как веревочки.

Если у вас осталось много разноцветной пряжи — остатков от вязания, то сделать своими руками веселый коврик из скрученных в круги вязаных шнуров не представит никаких трудностей. Сами шнуры плетутся очень быстро, особенно при помощи такого удобного приспособления, как вязальная мельничка, нужно правильно заправить нить и крутить ручку — готовый шнур вылезает снизу.

На основе такой простой филейной сетки, связанной крючком, можно тоже изготовить коврик или плед, провязывая воздушные петли через дырочки в ячейках. Другой метод использования — вертикально и горизонтально протаскивать (продергивать) толстую пряжу или тесьму через сетчатые ряды. Концы можно привязать узелком к основе и так и оставить в виде бахромы.

Последнее время стало модным делать декор своими руками. Такие работы всегда эксклюзивны, идеально вписываются в интерьер, а также создают уютную обстановку. Вязание крючком ковриков на пол - это не только приятное занятие, а и создание шикарных изделий для своего дома. Эти коврики очень красивые и просты в изготовлении. Они могут быть сделаны не из пряжи, а из лоскутков ткани, веревок или даже обычных пакетиков.

Простые вязаные коврики крючком для начинающих рукодельниц

Девушки, которые только учатся вязать, уже могут создать свой первый шедевр. Для этого нужно подготовить толстую пряжу, например полушерстяную, акрил или же из хлопка, и крючок с соответствующим номером.

Прямоугольное изделие для пола можно связать, используя такую схему:
1-й ряд. Делаем столбики с накидом на цепочке. Их длина должна соответствовать длине коврика. Далее изделие нужно перевернуть на изнаночную сторону.
2-й ряд. Выполняем столбики без накида под переднюю стенку петли. Снова перевернуть полотно.
3-й ряд следует вязать под обе стенки петли с накидом и без него.
4-й ряд выполняем также как и 2-й.
5-й ряд вяжется столбиками с накидом под заднюю стенку петли.
Далее, узор повторяется со 2-го по 5-й ряд.

Круглый коврик для пола можно связать крючком с помощью следующей схемы. Вязание состоит из столбиков под заднюю стенку петли.

Ажурный коврик (55 см): видео мастер-класс

Круглые коврики из ткани вязаные крючком или «бабушкин коврик»

Для создания этого изделия нам понадобятся старые трикотажные или льняные вещи. Цветовая гамма может быть самой разнообразной. Например, разные тона одного цвета или же несколько ярких цветов. Перед началом работы нам необходимо сделать пряжу. Для этого режем вещи на полоски шириной приблизительно 3 см. Полоски нужно сшить между собой или связать, а потом свернуть в клубок. Крючок необходимо взять в два раза толще, чем сама нить. Схема этого коврика подойдёт как для опытных рукодельниц, так и для начинающих.

Сначала нужно набрать 3 воздушные петли и соединить их в круг. Затем в эти петли провязать 6 столбиков без накида. После этого, круг нужно поделить на 6 частей и в каждом ряду прибавлять по 6 столбиков без накида. Получится 1-й ряд – 6 столбиков, 2-й ряд – 12 столбиков, 3-й ряд – 24 столбика и т.д. Чтобы сделать коврик рельефным, столбики нужно вязать через заднюю стенку петли. Ниже приведена схема рельефного способа вязания.

Готовый коврик можно класть на пол.

Ажурный овальный коврик: видео мастер-класс

Вязание крючком круглого коврика на пол в японском стиле для начинающих

Такой вид коврика отличается простотой выполнения и великолепным результатом. Пряжу следует брать не очень толстую и вязать крючком №6-8. Цветовую гамму лучше выбрать поярче. Сначала нужно связать круглую часть изделия. Для этого набираем цепочку из 6 воздушных петель, а затем замыкаем её в кольцо.

Потом вяжем 7 столбиков с 2 накидами, каждый из которых начинается с 3 воздушных петель для подъёма. 2-й ряд должен состоять из 5 незаконченных столбиков с двумя накидами провязанных вместе, между которыми нужно сделать 3 воздушные петли. Количество воздушных петель можно корректировать в зависимости от толщины нити. В 3-ем и 4-ом ряду вяжем по 2 столбика из четырёх незаконченных столбиков с двумя накидами, провязанных вместе под воздушными петлями предыдущего ряда. 5-й ряд – цепочка из воздушных петель, которую нужно присоединить к предыдущему ряду полустолбиком.

Дальше нам надо связать кольца произвольного размера. Набираем воздушные петли в цепочку и замыкаем кольцо полустолбиком. Диаметр кольца равен длине цепочки. Затем обвязываем колечко столбиком с двумя накидами. Первое кольцо готово. Сразу же начинаем вязать второе. Для этого нам надо набрать цепочку из воздушных петель, продеть её в первое кольцо и только потом соединить полустолбиком первую и последнюю петли. Ниже приведены схемы, где это наглядно изображено. Следующее колечко будет продеваться во второй круг и т.д. Последнее кольцо должно быть соединено с предпоследним и с первым. К кругу колечки можно пришить или же присоединить во время вязания.

Схема соединения колец

Детский коврик из квадратов: видео мастер-класс

Коврик вязаный крючком из полиэтиленовых пакетов

Такое необычное использование простых пакетов стало настоящим открытием у домохозяек. Полотна из пакетов обычно кладут на пол ванной комнаты, кухни или туалета, потому что они влагоустойчивы. При попадании воды, достаточно её стряхнуть и высушить изделие. Связать такой коврик очень просто и это не станет проблемой даже для начинающих. Итак, нужно взять пакеты для мусора примерно 4 десятка и разрезать их на полосы шириной около 3 см. Полосы надо сшить между собой или склеить теплым утюгом, проглаживая через ткань. Готовую нить свернуть в клубок. Вязание необходимо выполнять крючком №4.
Набираем 12 воздушных петель и 3 воздушные петли подъёма. Из 4-ой петли от края цепочки связать 5 столбиков с накидом. Затем из каждой воздушной петли вязать по 1 столбику с накидом 10 раз. Изделие повернуть и точно также связать другую сторону, тем самым сформировав овал. Ряд следует замкнуть соединительным столбиком. Второй и последующие ряды нужно вязать согласно схемы. В результате получится овальное полотно. Его центральная часть будет прямой, а края – расширятся и закруглятся, потому что делали прибавки на полукругах.

Звездочка: видео мастер-класс

Коврик для пола на филейной сетке для начинающих

My girlfriend was always very liberal when it comes to sex and all that, so I expected a hot surprise from her for Christmas, however, I never knew that she would bring another girl for me to fuck her on Christmas. My girlfriend got the party going by sucking on my fat cock, and while she did it, she moaned like a real cutie. However, when I made my way inside the other room I noticed that she had brought another girl for a Merry Christmas treesome! She was so hot, a sexy babe with amazing boobs. She was almost naked, lying by the tree wrapped in a red ribbon like a Christmas present! Holy shit she was insanely hot! She looked so good, amazing pretty face! God I wanted to step behind her, rip the red ribbon off her gorgeous body, and shove my fat, engorged cock deep into her body, grinding our sexes together. My girlfriend could not hold back either and she sucked on her titties very hard, but soon enough she got the girl to spread her legs and as I filled her black pussy with my white cock she licked out the other girl’s tight wet cunt slowly. My cock made her moan and squirm, and she made the other girl moan as well with her tongue. I laid back and started getting my dick sucked by the other girl while my girlfriend watched nervously and drooled. She wanted to have my white cock inside her mouth and once she got it in she sucked on it quite enthusiastically. The newcomer made sure to accompany her around the dick while I was overwhelmed by her sucking skills. Seeing her smiling with my big dick in her mouth was the best. The naked girls both started sucking and licking on it, and this felt absolutely amazing. They both sucked and licked on it, never stopping. One of them decided to suck on the shaft while the other sucked on the balls! I loved watching the hot girls suck my dick. My GF enjoyed watching me with another girl and I got crazy hot knowing she was excited by it. The sexy babe stood over me and lowered her cute pussy onto my waiting dick. She moaned softly as it slid between her pussy lips and slowly entered her juicy cunt.

I forced mymself all the way inside her. The paler girl started bouncing on my fat dick and moaning as a good girl should. The moaning got progressively louder as my cock went deeper inside of her tight wet cunt. I grabbed her legs and started fucking her tight wet cunt as fast as I possibly could which made the girl moan. Then my black gf got on top of me and started bouncing on my fat white meat while licking the other girl’s pussy. My hot black babe turned over and kept riding me. She bounced on it in reverse cowgirl while I was grabbing her tight black ass. Her fat ass looked amazing as my cock was filling her tight wet fertile pussy up. She backed that ass up nicely for me and moaned while she did so. Then I fucked the other girl while my girl sucked her gorgeous titties. It looked amazing, and I really enjoy a nice contrast. I slammed deep into her cunt and she groaned around my cock. My girlfriend watched in amazement as I launched one cum shot into her pussy and then pulled out as she instructed and came all over her face and her big tits. She began eating out my cum from her just fucked cunt and licking it from her boobs. Merry Christmas!

Busty brunette has been frustrated for some time. Her boyfriend is not paying much attention to her and sex with him has become a rare occasion. Luckily, she knows his good friend is coming today, so she made a brilliant plan to catch his attention. While her boyfriend is watching TV, the sexy girl shows his bearded buddy her collection of sex toys. He can’t believe what is going on but chooses not to make a fuss about it. Once she shows him her naked ass, he finds an excuse to leave to the room and join her. The sexy naked girl is already in the bathroom toying her snatch, and when she saw him in front of the door, of course, she dragged him in. She was a sight to see with her massive tits and a big tattoo on the back. While a plug was still in her pussy, she was on her knees sucking his dick, trying to deepthroat. The horny slut was looking him straight in his eyes, like telling he could do with her whatever he wants. What he wanted was to nail her meat hole, and the girl didn’t mind that at all. He is much bigger than her boyfriend, so that made things even better. Still, they had to stop as her boyfriend was at the bathroom door, checking what’s going on. Luckily, he didn’t figure out things, but they decided to sneak to the bedroom. He ripped her pants, giving her the idea that she is in for rough fucking. His dick is again deep in her pussy fucking her doggy style. She pushes her fat ass back as hard as she can to meet his powerful thrusts. He’s slamming his hard, long, thick meat deep into her hot pussy rapidly. The crazy slut sucks a purple dildo, soon enough his man meat is in her mouth before she starts riding him. Her vulva and her boobies look wonderful! She is very proud about taking it balls deep, and they both forgot that her boyfriend is still around.


Even he saw them, she wouldn’t care. As he is unable to provide, why should she stop having sex? At least she is doing it with his buddy and not some unknown guy. Still, the bearded guy would rather keep this a secret, so when his buddy is again at the door, he manages to convince him that he has to take an important call. This is insane because, at the same time, busty brunette is sucking his rod. She’s so perfect. Cute face, nice ass and all natural. Amazing dick sucking skills. Now that they are alone again, the hot naked girl is in reverse cowgirl position, bouncing on his dick and enjoying every second. Still, they don’t have much time, so he has to finish. Brunette is again on her knees as he starts covering her face with cum. It’s a beautiful sight as she even swallowed some of it, while the rest is running down her face and hair. Still, her annoying dude is back as he finally figures out what is going on. They locked him in the bedroom like a loser he is. She doesn’t care about him anymore now that she found a guy who can respect her needs and enjoys spending quality time with her, like a real man! Don’t miss more sneaky sex scenes with the hottest naked girls!

When you see her for the first time, it’s easy to mistake her for a clueless nerdy girl who is more interested in Dungeons & Dragons than what’s going on in the real world. Still, behind these thick glasses, you’ll find a perverted slut you don’t see every day. So when her lover starts playing with her tits, she loses interest in anything else and demands to see his dick. Just look at her face as she gives a blowjob. If she could, she would be sucking it the whole day, like a lollipop! Still, she knows that her man wants more, not that he minds her deepthroating skills. The little slut looks him in the eyes when his man meat fills his her mouth, like asking if he is proud of her. When she wants sex, she turns into a submissive slut willing to do anything for her lover. No wonder she loves doggy style, as her boy drills her wet pussy. She spreads her ass cheeks begins lapping at her pussy like he has seen a countless amounts of pornos. There was no need for foreplay since she was dripping wet the moment she felt his cock in her hands. Nerdy brunette needs it deep and rough, as she encourages him to continue banging her and slapping her ass cheeks. She finally lifts her shirt, uncovering massive boobs, before coming for the first time. That is just the beginning as she needs much more. Brunette is now controlling the pace, but soon enough it’s time for a squirting break. While he is fingering her violently, she makes the floor wet, having one squirting orgasm after another. “Fuck!” she screams and begins shaking. Her whole body is shaking and quivering in an amazing orgasm, squirt after squirt pumps out of her wet cunt. The naked girl moans before he fucks her throat. She turned into a wild animal so it’s no wonder her lover couldn’t take much more and had to shower her face with his thick load. She doesn’t plan to clean her face for a while, as this is the sign she did well!

This sexy babe was getting prepared for her husbands gala event when she discovered her pearl necklace had gone missing. The butler overheared them as they decided to check the helps bags and once he was alone he entered her room to replace the stolen necklace. The woman caught him and pressed him up against the wall, but she did not let the dude leave, nor did she even consider this for one second. She would not let him go without getting that cock of his inside of her holes. How about a sloppy wet blowjob and fucking her tight juicy pussy? The hot babe started sucking the dick and stroking the shaft all while looking the dude dead in the eye. However, while the couple was fucking, the annoying husband ended up showing up in the room while his wife was taking dick from another man. They talked for a while, the tension built up quite a bit, and after a few minutes passed, the man left, and his wife could now cheat in peace. The beautiful naked woman laid down on the bed, she spread her legs, and she let the butler eat her out nicely. All of her pussy juices were in his mouth now. This turned the man up, and so he put the gorgeous babe down on all fours and decided that it was time for him to pound her tight wet pussy. He moved his hips slowly while the woman made sure to move her own body quite quickly. She moaned loudly while taking dick and she enjoyed every single stroke that she received. This babe is a SEX GODDESS. With his hands around her slim waist he could pound her gorgeous pussy deep and hard. His hands were clutching her waist as he drove his huge cock deep into her cunt. His hips slammed against her butt as they fucked and he even pulled on her arm as she was taking all these strokes, but soon enough it was obvious that her pussy got way too tired, and seeing as her vagina probably tightened up way too much to take dick, she decided to push the man down on the bed. From this point on, she was letting her tight coochie rest while she was sucking the dude’s dick. The beautiful naked babe took it deep down inside her throat, lubing the entire thing up nicely, and she loved every single second. When her pussy got some rest, she put it on the dude once more and gave him some reverse cowgirl fucking.


This must have been a very special treat for the dude, seeing as the wife had an amazing fat ass, and she knew how to work it for sure. Those big cheeks surely were something else, without a doubt. Grunting with each downward hip thrust, she slammed her ass down, my cock impaling her body. I love seeing her cum all over a big fat dick. Then, he got the naked woman face to face in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her, started rubbing her butt hole with one finger, and made sure to move his hips as fast as he could, and then, the woman started putting in some work as well, but this wasn’t intense enough for the couple, so the dude got the woman to turn around, he wrapped his arms around the girl’s body, he put one hand on the titty, other hand on the pussy, and started pounding the woman hard as fuck once more, but this time the girl moved her hips as well, and it worked out for them really well.

I don’t know half of my neighborhood. People move in and move out so quickly from my area, that I don’t even care what’s going on. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to figure out that my new first neighbor is a gorgeous blonde girl. She was always in skimpy clothes, so of course, she got my attention! One day I saw her in a bikini taking a sunbath near the pool. Soon enough the hot blonde uncovered her massive breasts, but that was not all. Her hand was in her bikini as she was playing with her pussy, having no idea someone else was around. I figured it was the time for me to show up and offer her my services. When she saw me with my dick hanging in front of her, she was surprised, but only for a second. Next thing you, a smile is on her face as she is watching straight into my shaft, already contemplating what she could do with it. First things first! She wanted me to check her pussy. I reached down and pushed her bikini bottom aside, fully exposing her soft twat! I also knew that the hot babe really wanted to suck someone’s cock! Soon enough she was on her knees sucking my pride. You could see that she has a lot of experience, and even though she is such a small chick, she was able to handle it well. The babe was so horny that she didn’t even remove her panties before I entered her snatch. It’s a sight be seen as she was riding me while I also played with her tiny butt hole that could be on the line soon! For the moment, I was happy to fuck her doggy style balls deep. There is no challenge that this little blonde can’t handle. I thought I would tear her bald pussy in half I was pounding so hard. She sure could handle my massive load on her face, even tasting a bit of it. I know I’ll be back for more!

The scene kicks off with this gorgeous girl with a fat ass who is jerking her man off slowly, and then, as it progresses, the girl is taking off all of her clothes slowly. Her pussy and her asshole are exposed soon enough. When she thinks that her man has seen enough, he gets her cheeks on her man and starts teasing him quite aggressively. The hot babe grabs the shaft, she makes sure that it is placed directly between her cheeks, and she moves her hips gently, and she does not even let the dude put it inside of her after all the teasing, which is truly cruel. However, the girl did end up licking the dick right after this, so it all paid off for the dude. The sexy girl did not get to sucking right away, in fact, she only moved her tongue all over the cock, but she only sucked the tip once, and the suction was applied only once, but then she got to the dudes balls, and she started sucking on them hard and slow, all while gripping the dude’s shaft gently. His horny girlfriend stared at him directly in the eye while sucking his nuts. After she was done sucking the balls, she started licking the shaft once more, sucking the dick and rubbing the shaft against her lips. She never broke eye contact with her man. The girl got on top of her man who was already horny as hell at this point, and after she managed to fit the dude’s cock inside of her asshole, she let him hit her hard. Her asshole felt wonderfully warm and tight around his dick. The guy started pounding into her ass, his hips smacking against her meaty asscheeks. Then, the girl bent over for her man, she let him grab her by her arm, and he started pounding her butt relentlessly while she rubbed her tight wet pussy. His balls were slapping against her cunt lips with each full thrust. “dear, I want you to cum in my ass, cum in my ass!” she screamed as her boyfriend drove his cock all the way into her ass.

I love my girlfriend. We’ve been together for a while now, and everything is perfect. Still, one thing bothers me, and that’s her sister. Whenever I come around, she looks annoyed, like she has something against me. I tried not to pay too much attention to it, but slowly it became the elephant in the room. It bothers me every time I stumble upon her, feeling guilty while having no idea what is her problem. Finally, I figured it out – she was jealous! The little slut can hear us fucking all the time while she is alone and goes to bed crying while masturbating. Next time we met in the laundry room, she was in thongs! Her ass was so nice and round and just jiggled so nicely. It was the perfect example of a big bubble butt. I’ve always been fascinated by women with big butts. I stared at her ass for longer than I should have, my penis growing in my pants. I could tell that this busty beauty just wanted to get a little dirty and was in need of a big cock to suck and fuck. The sexy babe was on her knees putting a load of laundry in the washing machine. I’d probably never see her gorgeous ass again. At that moment I thought about touching it, squeezing it, jiggling her ass cheeks. Her amazing ass was right in front of me and my hand moved to it. I thought she might scream but she surprised my by giggling. I didn’t know how far my girlfriend’s sister was going to let me go. The thong was buried deep between her ass cheeks, I slowly pulled them down. They stuck a little between her cheeks and I could tell why: her pussy was very wet. There was no need for foreplay, as I slid my dick in her tight pussy. She smiled and I continued shoving my dick in her from behind. I started going deep in seconds as she was moaning like crazy. I figured out is that her sister was never this horny. This was so wrong, but at the same time it made everything better. While I was drilling her doggy style, the horny little slut already came for the first time. Finally, I shoved my shaft in her mouth, just out of curiosity. I could imagine she will be able to handle it well, but she exceeded my expectations. This looked more like brutal throatfucking, as she seemed like a girl who didn’t have a dick for a while. She had a few more surprises, so she finally showed me her massive tits! Of course I noticed before she has a nice rack, but it’s different when you see them in their full glory. They are almost twice as big as those on my girlfriend.


They might be sisters, but at the same time, they are so different. Tit fucking had to be next, but I know she needs it back in her unshaven snatch. Watching her melons going up and down while she was riding my dick is one of the most beautiful moments of my life. She looked so thankful that I felt like I was doing a good deed. Every time she came, she had to tell me that, and whatever I did, she was happy with it. Even when my finger was in her tight butt hole, she didn’t mind that. I kept fucking her doggy style and her big, beautiful, perfect ass was in all glory. The fact that she was thin with a small waist made her butt look that much bigger. The naked girl even spread her big plump butt cheeks wide open with her hands for me. I think we both knew this would happen again every time her sister is not around. Maybe you’ll judge me, but look at her and tell me you would act differently. Would you leave this beautiful girl without a dick? I knew the finish has to be impressive, so I emptied my balls on her face, covering it while she tasted the cum sucking my pulsating cock like a lollipop.

This slutty babe was trying to enjoy a cup of tea with her fellow married friends but she was more interested in her friend’s husband. Once she noticed the dude in the shower, she decided that she was supposed to undress in front of him as soon as possible in order to seduce him. She surprised him in the shower and the dude couldn’t help staring at her titties. Without wasting time the naked girl got down on her knees and started choking on his tool. In fact, she let the dude move his hips around a bit as well, and while she was blowing him, the dude was anxiously staring at the door, making sure that his wife does not come around, seeing as he would be in some serious trouble if his wife caught him getting head from her friend. Naturally, he starts pounding the girl from the back even harder, still continuing to stare at the door as always, hoping that wifey does not come around and fuck his little party up. Later, this stud carried the his wife’s slutty friend to the bed and started fucking the girl’s tight pussy hard as fuck, all while making sure that his nuts slap against her tight pussy hard. The sexy babe wanted to blow the dude once more, and so she had the dude fuck her throat all while the dude was laying down. However, to their surprise, while they were fucking in the bedroom, the wife and her friend ended up catching them, and apparently, the marriage ended right there after they both flipped them off. The horny Latina moved her hips quickly and moaned loudly as the white dude’s pole pierced her tight cunt deep and rubbed her walls nicely. The hot naked girl hopped up and down, she moaned, and she switched positions once more, but she remained on top. She hopped up and down while taking the dick inside of her, and her man now started massaging her cute little titties and rubbing her clit all while pumping inside of her pussy with his hard cock and making her moan with every stroke. Then, the man decided to pick up the pace and rub the girl’s kitty even harder, right after switching holes. He was really fucking her tight little asshole up, and even though it was tight as hell, it still managed to let the dude slide through with no problems. The guy loved her ass hole so much that he decided to let the girl lay down and he started licking her butt hole, and after this was done, he kept pounding into her tight ass once more. He switched holes, fucking her tight pussy, switching to the butt once more and back inside her vagina. After the switcharoo, he put his cock inside of the woman’s mouth, and he made her suck his nuts as well. What a nasty whore, I love it.

This stunning black lesbian is trying to get her pussy licked by her girlfriend, but sadly, she is way too busy playing video games. It’s already soaking wet, aching for fingers, tongue… ANYTHING! She strips her girlfriend’s clothes off, slowly pulling her panties down and starts playing with her ebony pussy. The girl tries to keep playing video games when her girlfriend keeps rubbing her clit. In moment she is wracked with a strong orgasm, an amazing squirting orgasm! Time to turn this solo match into a duo full of scissoring, spitting, and licking to find out which of these ebony goddesses will cum out of this tight lesbian royale as champion? She wants more, she pushes her horny girlfriend to the floor and puts her wet pussy on her face. The submissive girl is more than happy to get a pussy all up in her face, and so she starts eating her girlfriend out and rubbing her clit at the same time, all while laughing. The teen lesbian tastes her juices as they begin leaking into her mouth. It’s heavenly! Her pussy is very sensitive after the first squirting orgasm, the naked black girl makes her girlfriend lay down on the back and starts eating her out, teasing her labia, and sucking her clit and rubbing it gently with her fingers. At times, she will focus on nothing but licking the pussy and rubbing her clit gently. This gets her seriously wet. Then, she puts her lesbian girlfriend down on the floor and gets her legs up in the air and starts eating her pussy out like so. She alternates between licking her pussy and her butthole. The teen lesbian tongue fucks her pussy, lapping the juices out of the depths of her cunt. She bends her girl over the bed and spreads her cheeks, her tongue sloppily circles the asshole. However, not only did this turn out to be something that’s too much to take for the babe getting her cake hole licked, but it also forced her to switch sides, and she ended up becoming the one who was licking ass now. What happened next is something amazing! One of the lesbians started to squirt all over her girlfriend’s face!!! She screamed in pleasure. Her girlfriend laughed, this was so much fun. She smiled in delight enjoying getting squirted in the face, her juices into her mouth. Then two naked girls scissored each other and started grinding their dripping pussies against each other.

If there’s one thing that my girlfriend is good at is surprises. Although at first there was no reason or event going on for me to expect some sort of hot surprise from her. One day she decided to bring over her hot best friend to have some fun. Her best friend arrived and the girls ignored me and ran off into the next room, leaving me feeling left out. I went to spy and saw them doing a cam show! I freaked out but my girlfriend disarmed me by offering me a double blowjob!!! Who the hell knew that my girlfriend would be up for such an adventure. I thought that she was all for monogamy and shit but here she is with her best friend looking for a hot threesome. The moment I saw the girls pulling my cock out of my pants I knew it would be the best day in my life. They were both on their knees in front of me. My girlfriend’s hand was gripping my hard-on, stroking it in front of her bestfriend’s face, without much hurry. She had never seen a cock so big. It was an impressive penis! My girl told her to open her mouth and she grabbed my cock and fed it to her!!! It looked like my girl didn’t mind to separate the sex and love. I didn’t want to stop my babe from doing what she wanted so I let her friend suck on it as much as she wanted to. I jammed my cock down her friend’s throat. My babe moved her hands down and rubbed my heavy cum filled balls. “lick his balls, suck them!” the friend followed instructions like a good little slut. Her friend was awesome with her oral skills and beautiful eyes. The girl moaned hearing my girlfriend tell her what to do. The girls sucked it well and they took turns too so that they ended up sucking an equal amount of the time. OMG both girls were amazing. Double blowjob was so new and exciting for me to be completely honest with you. I kept on going with this until the girls wanted me to fuck them or rather my girlfriend wanted to see me pound her best friend! I couldn’t believe my damn luck and I ended up fucking them both and fucking them really well for that matter.


The girls were fully involved in pleasuring me with their cunts. Watching her man fuck another woman was turning my girlfriend on. Watching another woman play with her man, watching her suck on her boyfriend’s cock and riding it in front of her. To see my face, my eyes closing in pleasure as I experienced a new pussy for the first time in years. The naked girls turned around with their asses facing towards me and told me to fuck their cunts from behind. As they got closer to orgasm, they began to dirty talk more. The girls continued to explore each other’s body. Gentle caresses had let to face sitting. When I fucked her friend in the missionary position my babe straddled her face and lowered her wet cunt into her obedient open mouth. She sucked her clit into her mouth and my horny girlfriend rode her face. I fucked them as they’ve never been fucked before, including my girlfriend and believe me when I say that I’ve had some really hardcore fucks with her. I ended up cumming all over their faces and the naked girls loved kissing with my cum on their faces.

The scene kicks off with this wonderful black girl getting dress up, probably about to hit the club or something like that, and the dress she was wearing was a very revealing dress. As soon as she got out of her room, her stepmom tried to stop here right there, but soon enough, a fight broke out, and the man of the house had to stop the fight, and then he got the girls inside a room and told them to sort themselves out, and apparently, for these two girls it meant that they had to fuck an there was no other way around it. The teenager undressed her stepmother and got her titties all up inside her mouth. She started rubbing on them with her lips, then gently circling the nipples with her tongue, and then finally she started licking the nipples full-on and sucking on them. Soon enough, she decided that this wasn’t enough, so she started rubbing her pussy against her stepmoms gorgeous tits, and then they decided that it was time for the two to start rubbing their pussies against each other, which is exactly what happened next. The naked girls cross their legs. They start moving their hips passionately, however, seeing as the black girl was more submissive, the white mom started abusing her tight wet pussy and fingering it harshly while destroying her tight little butt hole and making it as wet as possible. The black girl started moving her hips on her own as well, so the stepmom got some rest after the harsh finger-fucking. Mommy wanted to play some more, so she put her hairy pussy on her black stepdaughter’s face and start rubbing it against her tongue as fast as she could, all while holding her hand and moaning loudly and looking at her directly in the eye. The pleasure she was receiving from her tongue alone was not enough, so she started rubbing her clit while she was getting licked out and fingered.

As this girl was laying around on the bed, she expected this horny dude to come creeping through the window with his cock hanging out and all that, however, the dude pulled her panties down and started licking her teen pussy and throwing a few licks at her butt hole as well. After he was done with this, he decided to finally get his dick out, which was initially what this girl wanted, and so she put the entire thing down her tight little throat and started sucking on it nicely. However, once she really started sucking the dude off, her daddy comes into the room and almost notices the man she was fucking right there, and soon enough, the dude just had to duck for cover, right underneath the clothes she put on the bed. This actually was quite effective, and the guy did end up getting enough cover, in fact, this was even more than enough, and so the girl decided to keep jerking the dude off even while her dad was in the room, which was quite hot. As soon as her old man got out, the guy got on top of her and started fucking her tight wet pussy as hard as he possibly could. He took the stickers off her nipples after a while, too, because he wanted to see her entire boobs. He pulled on her hair, he made her butt cheeks clap as he pounded her harder and harder. She almost cried out in orgasm, but he placed a palm over her mouth to quiet her. The horny teen girl got into position over him and he could see her pussy lips spread wide around his thick cock as the knob popped into her sloppy, wet cunt. She was ready to cum but she was interrupted by her annoying father once more, and once he got out of the room, his slutty daughter slid the dude’s cock down her tight pussy and started riding on it. The dude made sure to spank her every now and then. He rarely even took his hands off her butt. Will her dad bust them before the dude busts his nut all over this tantalizing teen?

Seeing as this plumber was surely exhausted from all the work he did today, it sure was nice from this woman to strip all of her clothes in front of him. Not only did she strip all of her clothes, but she got her beautiful pussy in his face. This was obviously not enough teasing for her, so she decided to put her pussy on his cock and to rub the lips against his shaft, which in return made the man shiver with pleasure. She was soo damn sexy! The horny plumber wanted to put his mighty pole inside of the woman, but this did not happen. Rather, the blonde grabbed his cock and started going up and down with her tongue all over it. She looked amazing in her pink lingerie. Then the gorgeous woman laid back, spread her legs, and she let the man return the favor. She was lost in orgasmic delight as his tongue found a gentle rhythm. Then the hot blonde got up over him and very slowly squatted down, reaching behind and leading his cock up into her eager pussy. She got his cock all up inside of her pussy, and she started moving her hips while she rubbed her clit. The man, being the stereotypical macho dude, decided that it was time for him to start moving his hips too, as he hated being passive, but the woman wanted some control for herself, and so she started to go up and down despite the man’s efforts. She held him down, and she moved her hips back and forth and up and down and made the dude’s cock 100% hers, but she was not too dominant while she was doing this, as she did not push the dude around one bit, so she just bossed him around a little bit and that was it.


The man finally pushed the hot naked woman down, spread her legs, and he started fucking her tight wet pussy hard and moving his hips slowly. He grabbed onto her neck, he got her to rub her pussy while she was getting fucked, and he occasionally grabbed onto one of her swaying titties as she was getting drilled by him. His hips were incredibly fast, without a doubt, which is why the girl could not stop shaking. He took her long blond hair in his hand and yanked her head back, slamming his dick even deeper inside her. He spread the gal’s legs, put her on the back this time, and he held her legs up in the air as he was filling her insides up. He moved his hips slowly, he filled her insides up completely, and the girl was absolutely in love what he was doing to her. Her gorgeous body pressed tight to his frame and her legs wrapped around his butt. However, even though what he was doing was getting way too intense for the average person, he did not stop to rest one second, and the woman appreciated his efforts. The sexy blonde moaned loudly, she got back on all fours and started taking dick from her man once more, but with even more enthusiasm. He grabbed her neck and her boobs after some pounding and her he kissed her hard. The girl put the upper part of the body on the ground, and she let the pleasure take her away.

The girl had racked up a huge debt on the family credit card and her mom had noticed the sharp increase. When her stepdad found out that some of the charges were for porn, he realized he had to talk with the young lady. He walked in on her masturbating and refused to leave, lecturing her about money. After he made his way inside her room, she made sure to grab his crotch hard enough to make the guy hard, and once his meat was stiff enough, the girl started sucking on him as if he was candy. Surely there was something the little slut could give him in exchange. Her dripping wet pussy! She shoved the cock as deep as possible down her throat and made sure to keep staring at the dude straight in the eye. All whores from her school are professional cock suckers. Then the sexy teen laid down and spread her legs, and the stapdad grabbed hard onto one of her thighs and drove his huge cock deep into her young pussy with one long thrust. She screamed like a woman possessed as he rammed his ten inches of long and thick cock into her pussy. He smiled and continued to fuck her. The naked girl got on top soon enough and started riding the dude. She moaned a lot while the dick rubbed against her insides and the dude seemed to enjoy this a lot, and then she turned around and let the daddy move his own hips instead. While his thighs smacked against her cute butt, she toyed around with her own little clit and made it so that his cock went as deep inside of her as possible. The girl curled up while she was taking dick, and the stepdad made sure to keep the girl in her place while she was taking dick, which was exactly what happened. This gal slapped her teen booty while she was riding her dick, too. What a hot slut! Then they decided to do some sixty-nine, but a little twist was involved because the dude picked the tiny girl up while she was sucking him off. Then they decided to do some reverse cowgirl. The hot teen laid down and started rubbing on her gorgeous clit as the old pervert was pounding her hard. He fucked the absolute shit out of her. He was willing to forgive and forget. Watch more daddy-daughter scenes.

This cute girl thought she found the place to herself for masturbation. She quickly undressed and started working her pussy with a pink dildo. Her bald pussy and perky titties are so cute, sensitive nipples with large areolas. Little did this young naked girl realized that a guy in the pool was perving on her and watching her stuff her tight pussy with a vibrator! After arguing with her a little bit, the guy stripped all of her clothes, and the girl actually was pretty excited about this, so she decided that it was about time that she got her lips around the dude’s cock, so she let him pick her up and drag her to the location where he would proceed to terrorize her holes with her cock, starting with the throat. Even though this large white dong was impossible to shove deep inside of her small mouth, she teen girl still tried her best while blowing this dude. She stroked the cock as fast as she possibly could, and then her lover started moving his cock on his own, all while holding onto the girl’s head, making sure that his cock doesn’t fall out or something like that. Then, the naked girl laid down, her lover sucked on her pussy biting, licking and pulling her labia into his mouth. He gripped onto her young body, and then he started fucking her tight hole and kissing her passionately as his pole fucking her walls up. He turned the girl around, took a more comfortable position, and proceeded to fuck the girl while spooning. She kept her cheeks spread, and he kept pounding her, just like she wanted. She got her man to lay down once more, and he started fucking her throat, but soon enough, the girl was forced to lay down in a fairly uncomfortable position as her partner held onto her and fucking her tight wet hole as hard as he possibly could. Her fat butt and her wonderful boobs jiggled around as she was getting drilled. I like her big and plump ass. Her ass had some pimples on it but that’s okay. The dude didn’t care. He wasn’t prejudiced. All he needed was tight, warm and fresh hole to shove his huge dick into. He pressed his long and thick cock against her asshole and slid it into this big ass. She screamed in surprise. The dude was happy to pound her ass, his balls slapping against her and his big cock becoming buried deeper with each thrust.


His hot hard cocks pounding in and out of her tight cunt is bliss and she orgasms almost every other minute due to his harsh fucking. He moves the naked girl around like she is a toy, and she doesn’t mind. She enjoys being used as he plays with her pussy while her small tits are bouncing up and down. It’s a different situation when she starts riding him. Now she is controlling the pace, bouncing her cute little ass on his dick like a pro, feeling comfortable while doing it. He can’t take it anymore, so he cums hard, covering her belly with thick cum. Well, that is not the end, as she needs more! Minutes later the lovers are in the living room as the naked girl is on the couch asking for more doggy style action. She is doing all the work now in a desperate attempt to come at least once more. Her tactics make him hard again as he impales her pussy deep, before making her have that orgasm she wanted. He can now finish once more, as the rest of his cum covers her face. His balls are dry now, and that’s the best way to start a day!

This teen babe was new to this whole “Hooking up” thing. It was not like she didn’t have experience with guys, but getting picked up by a famous rapper post-show was another level. After she made her way to his crib, she did not waste his time. The sexy blonde babe took off her dress, pulled down her black panties and fully naked joind the black guy in the shower. She had never seen a cock so big, at least ten inches long and three inches thick. His cock was big, black and already hard. Her small hand touched a black penis for the first time. It was hot and like a steel rod. The young naked girl encircled her fingers around it and started to rub it. In the bedroom she lay down and spread her legs apart just enough to expose her wet pussy. He started licking the girl’s pink pussy out. The girl’s mouth was watering because she couldn’t wait to get his big black cock in her mouth. She started sucking on the dude’s balls, rubbing the shaft with her soft hands and kissing his balls. They got off the bed, the girl was now on her knees, and the guy was pushing his thick meat inside of her throat. The blonde naked girl moved her head forward and backward, she spits on the dick, and when she did, she made sure that her spit lubed the cock up real good. She got way too horny, and she got on top of the dude and started shoving his giant dick inside of her tight wet pussy. She felt her little pussy was stretched to the limit. The man started moving his hips fast as fuck and caressing the girl’s clit gently with his fingers, and the girl loved what her man did. He began to thrust into her body at a swift pace, gripping her waist with his hands and pushing himself deep into her. Then, they switched positions once more, and the young naked girl started riding the man’s hard meat and kissing the dude with every stroke, all while squeezing on the dude’s pecs while moving her hips. She spread her legs, she dude gripped onto her legs tightly, and started moving his hips as fast as he possibly could. He literally turned into a human jackhammer, and this looked a bit funny, but it made the girl’s pussy feel good, so this did not matter too much to her. I love watching his big long cock going in and out of her cunt. The blonde slut started moving her hips on her own once more, and she started kissing the man hard.

Коврики на основе филейного вязания

Вязать эти коврики очень легко не смотря на их богатый и сложный вид! Все что вам нужно уметь - это вязать воздушные петли, столбики с накидом и … всё! Основа такого коврика вяжется на основе филейного вязания . Даже не нужно следить чтобы арочки получались аккуратными, потому что эти арочки вы потом закроете вывязными из столбиками из накида. Как это сделать посмотрите на этой фотографии. Единственное что стоит отметить, что плотность вашего коврика будет зависеть от того сколько столбиков с накидом вы свяжете в каждую арочку, т.е. чем больше, тем плотнее будет ваш коврик. И еще, когда будете вязать сеточку- основу, то не обязательно провязывать по 2 воздушных петли, можно и одну.

В нашем случае клеточки заполнять не надо. А чтобы филейное вязание получилось аккуратным, крючок нужно вводить прямо в тело столбика предыдущего ряда.

Тогда квадратики получаются ровными. И полотно будет более жестким.

коврик в ванную 40 х 45 см.

Для вязания коврика потребовалось: 200гр пряжи разных коричневых тонов, 40 гр. желтой, 75 гр. бежевой и 100 гр. пряжи горчичного цвета, крючок № 2,5. Все нитки по составу х/б, толщиной 125м/50гр.

Рисунок для коврика взяла с простой схемы вышивки крестиком, где каждая клеточка - это ячейка филейной сетки. По этой схеме посчитала количество ячеек филейной сетки в ширину, в высоту и число возд. петель для начальной цепочки.

Описание вязания коврика крючком :

Определив с какой стороны начну вязание коврика, считаю ячейки. Далее вяжу основу для коврика филейной сеткой, набрав цепочку воздушных петель.

Каждый ряд начинайте с трех воздушных петель подъема, *1 возд. петля, 1 столбик с накидом, повторяйте от * до конца ряда (закончив первый ряд, проверьте количество ячеек сравнив с необходимым числом по схеме). Можно выполнять филейную сетку: ст. с/н через 2 воздушные петельки, чтобы получить квадратное полотно. Вяжите столько рядов сколько ячеек филейной сетки в высоту.

На готовой основе-сеточке, иголкой с контрастной нитью намечаю контуры простого геометрического рисунка коврика. Далее начинаю обвязку сетки, провязывая по каждой стороне ячейки 3 столбика с накидом. В первую очередь обвязываю контур рисунка коврика основным цветом пряжи, а затем обвязываю рюшами в произвольном направлении цветную часть узора.

Так как для вязания коврика я использовала не толстый крючок № 2,5, получилась основа с небольшими ячейками, поэтому коврик связался довольно плотный, с едва заметными просветами. Пряжа из хлопка хоть и дороже простой синтетики, но зато по утрам, приятно ощущать босыми ногами натуральный материал коврика.

Еще стоит отметить, что изнаночная сторона коврика выглядит довольно прилично, что тоже хорошо.

еще модели со схемами можно посмотреть тут:

Очень интересные объемные половички можно связать на обычной филейной сетке. Вязание ковриков крючком можно осуществить, используя разные схемы, но по одной единой методике.

Вязаные таким образом изделия для дома на пол выглядят абсолютно по-разному в зависимости от примененной пряжи, ее цвета, толщины, фактуры, качества, а также способа расположения «второго ряда» столбиков для придания собственно объемности.

Хорошо смотрятся как однотонные, так и комбинированные разными цветовыми сочетаниями. На фото ниже — светлый коврик, вязанный крючком, в кремовых или бежевых тонах.

На основе филейного вязания лучше всего получаются прямоугольные изделия, вернее, проще всего. Конечно, с помощью этой техники возможно связать сеточку круглой, овальной формы, а также зубчиками, треугольниками, только это чуть сложней. К тому же, мы больше привыкли к небольшим прямоугольным половичкам.

Основой, как я уже сказала, служит вязание, состоящее из филейных ячеек, их-то нужно связать крючком в самом вначале. Исходя из задуманного размера, вяжем низ-основу. Клеточки получаются, если вязать, чередуя между собой, столбик с воздушной петлей.

Схема коврика, вязаного крючком по сетке

Далее необходимо решить, какой узор-схему выбрать. Для начала, особенно начинающим, советую подумать о самом простом варианте. К тому же, на мой взгляд, чем проще, тем изящней получается вещь. Наверное потому, что все гениальное просто! :)

Схемы ковриков, вязаные крючком

Вот рисунок, который демонстрирует схему вязания объемных ковриков.

Клетки внизу — это наше уже связанное крючком «сеточное» полотно.

Для того, чтобы изделие было толстеньким, вяжем ряды столбиков с накидом, привязывая их сверху к основе по определенной (выбранной) схеме.

Каким образом это делать — решать вам. Можно сделать квадраты, ромбы, зигзаги — все, что угодно. Положитесь на вашу фантазию.

Схема коврика на филейной сетке

Если, например, вязать по схеме ниже, чередуя цвета, то можно получить нечто очень симпатичное.

Схема расположения цветов

Вы можете выбрать для коврика пряжу одного, двух (как на рисунке, оранжевый и зеленый) или нескольких цветов.

Сама сетка может быть другого цвета.

Если у вас скопилось много разноцветных остатков ниток приблизительно одной толщины, то смело используйте, от этого ваш коврик только выиграет.

Тут почти та же схема — рядами, только выполнены они не по диагонали, как на фото выше, а параллельно краю. За счет этих возвышающихся над первым ярусом столбиков коврик получает толщину, на него приятней наступать ногой.

Полотно объемного коврика из остатков ниток

Вязание ковриков — фото идей

На мой вкус лучше покрыть все поле вторым рядом. Но если вам лень, то можно оставить так, как показано ниже, будет тоже неплохо.

Готовый коврик на сетке

Если у вас есть нитки разных, гармонирующих друг с другом оттенков, вы хотите их всех применить для вязания коврика крючком, то прежде всего хорошо продумайте как сам узор, так и цвет отдельных элементов.

Хороший пример плотного интересного коврика вязаного крючком представлен на следующей фотографии. Начинать вторую «ступень» лучше с середины элемента. Сетка филейная мягкая в отличие от жесткой строительной, но за счет такого плотного вязания наш вязаный коврик приобретает дополнительную жесткость и плотность.

Разноцветный коврик, вязаный крючком

Еще один вариант той же самой техники, только узор другой — спиральными сотами, цветовые полосы расположены лесенкой.

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