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The water broke as much as there should be. How water breaks in pregnant women and what to do if there are no contractions or problems arise

When there are only a few weeks, and especially days, left before the baby is born, women should find out how their waters break during pregnancy. This advice is especially relevant for first-time mothers.

And enough questions arise.

  • Where does water actually come from?
  • Your water has broken, but there are no contractions?
  • How long after birth?
  • What to do?

Protection provided by nature

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is in a bladder filled with fluid. Doctors call these waters amniotic or amniotic fluid.

For the embryo - a comfortable living environment, which is an additional barrier from traumatic and bacterial effects. Protection occurs due to the gentle aquatic environment, and from bacteria - due to the high content of immunoglobulin.

Amniotic fluid plays a key role in the formation of the fetus.

It is thanks to her that in the late stages of pregnancy the kidneys begin to function and the lungs fully develop. The amount of fluid increases as the baby grows and reaches a volume of about 800–1500 ml by the time of the first contractions and birth.

An insufficient amount of water, as well as an excess of it, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

If my water breaks, how long before I give birth?

With the correct course of pregnancy, the process of breaking the waters should precede the birth itself.

But in practice there are nuances.

  • So, if the water breaks at an early stage, that is, then this indicates a threat of miscarriage.
  • Small amounts of amniotic fluid may drain involuntarily.

Being a cause for additional concern, because... some associate this process with either uncontrolled urination or premature onset of labor.

Such options are possible, but it is better to get professional advice on this issue from the gynecologist who is observing you. Indeed, if it lasts longer than two weeks, an infection can enter the child’s body through the slightly open cervix and amniotic fluid.

To make sure there is no danger, a smear of amniotic fluid is usually taken to check for infection.

If an infection is detected and the pregnancy is less than gestational age, treatment with antibiotics will be offered.

After 35 weeks, when the baby’s lungs are fully formed, they won’t take such risks, which means you need to prepare for the baby’s arrival a little earlier than planned.

  • During the normal course of pregnancy, with the onset of the due date and the first contractions, pressure on the cervix increases, which leads to the rupture of the membrane and the water naturally drains out.

But even after this signal for the start of labor, the child does not remain “dehydrated”.

The bladder consists of two parts and under the influence of pressure only the shell of the front part ruptures, so that a certain amount of liquid is retained. In addition, fluid reserves are replenished every three hours from the resources of the female body.

If your water breaks but there are no contractions

Starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman must listen carefully to her body and behave according to her situation.

The fetus at this stage is quite large in size and birth can occur at any time.

In addition, while in the water, the expectant mother may not notice this.

But if the water breaks and there are no contractions, this is considered a deviation from the norm. Really rare. According to statistics, every tenth woman in labor faces this situation.

In this case, it is important to remember: time is precious and immediately go to the maternity hospital!

Correct timely response will allow you to avoid possible complications during childbirth and such a dangerous condition of the fetus as hypoxia.

In such a situation, in order to ensure the normal course of labor, contractions are provoked with medication.

The opposite option is also possible: the onset of contractions before the water breaks.

Doctors consider this prenatal course to be the most favorable for both mother and baby for a number of reasons.

So, when the amniotic fluid containing amniotic fluid is intact, the baby is protected from infection. And the pain of contractions is not felt so acutely and there is no need for medication to stimulate the birth process.

Based on the results of observations, it has been proven that when the water flows in this way, the cervix dilates more effectively.

Changing the color of the selections

It is necessary to pay attention to the density and color of the discharge at any stage of the entire period of pregnancy.

Contrary to fears, it is quite difficult to confuse amniotic fluid with urine or vaginal fluid: normally it should not have the smell and color of urine, and be of normal watery consistency.

Expectant mothers are often concerned with the question of how to understand that their waters have broken and, therefore, childbirth will occur very soon. Overall, this is a simple task if you know the basic symptoms. You need to pay attention to the shade, volume and period of discharge.

There are several main signs:

  • the liquid is clear or yellowish;
  • contains mucus and whitish flakes;
  • The consistency is watery.

Why is this happening

During the gestation period, the child is located in the fetal membrane, which is filled with fluid. This is a natural environment for normal growth and development. In addition, it also performs protective functions from external factors: cold and heat, physical influences. But before the onset or already during labor, the integrity of the fetal bladder is disrupted. Amniotic fluid flows out through the resulting hole.

In a normal state, this indicates that labor has begun, so that within 12 hours the baby will definitely be born, and maybe earlier. Each woman's water breaks differently, so sometimes it is difficult to know whether it happened on time or not. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the water is receding or just leaking.

Digestion begins only with the onset of labor. If the process began ahead of schedule, then this is a premature outpouring. Early withdrawal begins immediately with the first contractions. In this case, the lumen of the cervix is ​​already open, but still has a small diameter.

If the liquid pours out, then the neck is already open and quite soft. The clearance is approximately 40 mm (this is determined by the doctor during examination). This outcome is considered the most favorable during childbirth.

But there are times when a bubble with liquid does not burst at the right time. Then doctors make the puncture themselves using a mechanical method.

The following factors influence how the water drains:

  • position of the baby in the uterus;
  • fetal health;
  • integrity of the placenta;
  • place of shell rupture.

What do the pouring waters look like?

Based on the color, quantity and characteristics of the fluid, doctors determine further tactics for labor management.


You can tell that amniotic fluid has broken by its volume. During pregnancy, at different stages, the composition of the fluid and its quantity changes. Before labor begins, the volume is approximately 1.5 liters. But this does not mean that so much liquid will immediately come out of the bubble.

At first only part comes out. This is required in order to move the fetus closer to the cervix.

When the baby is already pressed tightly, some of the liquid still remains inside the bladder - it will come out along with the baby. This is required in order to make it easier for the baby to slide through the birth canal. Based on this feature, amniotic fluid is divided into anterior and posterior when released.

If the shell rupture is located at the bottom, then the entire portion of liquid can come out immediately. As a result, sensations appear like involuntary urination. This can happen when rising from a lying position, when the abdominal muscles are tense, or when the woman is sleeping.

If the opening of the shell is on the side or on top, then the water drains gradually. Thanks to small portions, a woman can already understand what is happening, but there are still often doubts, especially if the water breaks one drop at a time.


It is also difficult to understand that your water has broken because it is clear or slightly yellowish. There are other options.

For example, the liquid can be:

  • dirty,
  • cloudy,
  • brownish or greenish.

This is a dangerous symptom that indicates fetal hypoxia or infection inside the amniotic sac.

Another bad symptom is the unpleasant odor of the liquid. If the placenta detaches, blood clots may be found in the waters. In this case, urgent medical intervention is required.


You can understand that your water has broken by your own feelings. When water comes out:

  • There is no discomfort or pain.
  • A woman notices wetness in her groin.
  • Sometimes a characteristic sound is heard that is similar to cotton.

The membrane may burst during contractions. In this case, the woman will feel cramps in the lower abdomen. In this area, sometimes there is also a feeling of heaviness and pain of a pressing or pulling nature.

When the entire volume of water breaks at once, it seems as if a large volume of water came out at the same time. In fact, the amount is small, and these sensations are false.

What to do?

When you suspect that your water is breaking, you should not wait, but immediately pack a bag with things you will need in the maternity hospital and go to the clinic.

Why you shouldn't stay at home:

  1. Even if labor has not yet begun, the discharge indicates that the environment inside the membrane is no longer sterile. And this opens up access to possible infections to a child who has not yet developed immunity.
  2. Without water, the fetus can only remain inside the uterus for a short period of time. If 12 hours after the release of the fluid, labor has not begun, then doctors resort to induction of labor or perform a caesarean section.
  3. The umbilical cord and limbs of the child may fall out if a transverse presentation is observed.

So, if a woman feels that her water has broken, then it is necessary to evaluate its volume, consistency and shade.

If the water begins to break prematurely, the woman must be hospitalized immediately to save the child. If this happens after 20 weeks, it is usually possible to maintain the pregnancy.

At the end of pregnancy, the rupture of water is a natural process that indicates the beginning of labor processes in the body.

Towards the end of pregnancy, most women, especially those expecting their first child, begin to worry about the upcoming birth, including the release of amniotic fluid. Many doubts arise: what to do in such a situation, how not to miss the moment when the waters break, how not to confuse them with ordinary ones, and many others.

The moment of discharge of amniotic fluid

remember You should know that the discharge of amniotic fluid can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but it is optimal, of course, if this happens no earlier than 38 weeks, because at such a time the child is already fully ripe for birth.

Depending on the presence of labor and the degree of cervical dilatation rupture of amniotic fluid occurs:

  1. Premature effusion: occurs before the onset of labor, i.e. The water broke, but there were no contractions. This option is the most undesirable, but it occurs in approximately every tenth pregnant woman;
  2. Early outpouring. With this option, the waters break when regular labor is already present, but is less than 4 cm;
  3. Timely outpouring: occurs in the first stage of labor with regular contractions and cervical dilatation of more than 4 cm;
  4. Belated outpouring: Rupture of the membranes occurs some time after the cervix is ​​fully dilated.

Premature and early discharge of amniotic fluid is considered a complication, because in the absence of a fetal bladder, the child is not protected from the effects of various infectious agents. As a result, with a long anhydrous interval, infection of the fetus and internal genital organs is possible, especially if the woman suffered inflammatory diseases of the vagina, cervix, and external genital organs during pregnancy. For this reason, to prevent infectious complications, 6-8 hours after the rupture of the amniotic sac, the woman begins to be administered antibacterial drugs that do not have a negative effect on the child (ampicillin, oxacillin).

How amniotic fluid drains

How can you tell when your water has broken? Many women ask this question, afraid to miss this moment. To accurately recognize the situation, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the symptoms of amniotic fluid leakage.

Amount of amniotic fluid

The question of liquid volume is quite complex, because... Water breaks in pregnant women in different ways.

If a complete rupture of the amniotic sac occurs, a fairly large amount of fluid is released at the same time (most often about 150-250 ml), so it is quite difficult to miss this option. Most often, effusion occurs at night during sleep, and the woman does not experience any sensations, simply waking up in a wet bed. If a pregnant woman is awake, she may notice a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and a sensation of “popping” or “tearing inside” when the water breaks.

If the rupture of the membranes occurs high up and there is only a small hole, then water can flow out in small drops for a long time. In this case, a woman can really get confused, because... such discharge can often be attributed to excessive leucorrhoea from the genital tract or urinary incontinence. However, even a slight leak of amniotic fluid is dangerous for the baby, so if any suspicion arises, you should consult a doctor to monitor the presence or absence of amniotic fluid. In addition, you can check this yourself using special pharmacy tests.

Color and smell of amniotic fluid

Normally, amniotic fluid is clear with a small amount of impurities and has a somewhat sweet odor. If the discharged liquid is greenish, brown or black in color, this indicates the presence of meconium in it, which the fetus secretes when there is oxygen deficiency. If before childbirth the waters break with blood, this is an extremely dangerous sign and requires immediate hospitalization of the woman in the maternity ward.

What to do if your water breaks

important If a woman’s water breaks, the main thing she should do is quickly get ready and go to the maternity hospital. Under no circumstances should you stay at home and wait for contractions to start.

As mentioned above, the anhydrous interval is dangerous for the child, and labor may not begin immediately after the rupture of the membranes. When the waters have not completely broken, but only leakage is present, the woman may not give birth for a long time. In this case, while the patient is in the maternity hospital, doctors will begin to stimulate labor, which will help reduce the anhydrous gap.

In addition, after the discharge of amniotic fluid, the woman must be examined in a gynecological chair.

dangerous The fact is that along with the water, the umbilical cord may fall out, which is extremely dangerous: when it is compressed, asphyxia and death of the fetus quickly occurs. If the doctor is unable to set the umbilical cord back, the woman will have an emergency caesarean section.

It is also possible for small parts of the fetus to fall out (arms, legs), which will lead to disruption of labor and the impossibility of inserting the presenting part of the fetus into the pelvic cavity.

A pregnant woman, especially, should be urgently hospitalized if the amniotic fluid is “bad” with the presence of impurities in it.

Absence of contractions after rupture of amniotic fluid

As a rule, labor begins within 3-4 hours after the rupture of amniotic fluid. If contractions do not begin, then the question of starting labor stimulation is raised.

The time issue in this situation is widely discussed and becomes the subject of dispute among various experts. For example, in many European countries they choose the waiting method: artificial stimulation begins only one day after the rupture of the membranes. In Russia, the deadline is considered to be 12 hours of absence of labor, but at the same time, many obstetrician-gynecologists try not to wait that long due to the high risk of infection of the child and begin stimulation earlier.

Most women, of course, strive for a natural course of labor without the use of various medications, but it should be understood that in such a situation one should not argue with a specialist. Waiting can be dangerous and sometimes lead to disastrous consequences.

The rupture of amniotic fluid is a natural process, one of the clear harbingers of childbirth. However, for many who are pregnant for the first time, this frightens and leaves them confused. Meanwhile, if the amniotic fluid is leaked at 38-42 weeks, then it’s okay - it’s just time to give birth, and literally in a few hours. And if your water breaks earlier, this is a serious cause for concern. In any case, you need to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

Physiology of the process

A pregnant woman is very sensitive to any changes occurring in her body, especially when it comes to her first pregnancy. But there are so many new and incomprehensible things. Therefore, to clarify, let’s figure out what amniotic fluid is, why it pours out, how much of it should come out and when this should happen normally.

The child in the womb is in an aqueous environment - amniotic fluid, which, in turn, is enclosed in a bladder located in the uterus.

Before birth, the cervix begins to open. As it opens, there comes a moment when the bubble bursts and some of the water pours out.

The water that pours out at first is about 1 glass in volume. This is far from the full volume of water contained in the bubble. Total amniotic fluid is about 1.5 liters. How much comes out at first is only a small part, due to the fact that during effusion, the baby moves lower and covers the partially open cervix with its head, thereby preventing further effusion.

It happens that the amniotic fluid does not flow out until the cervix is ​​completely open and pushing begins. In this case, the obstetrician pierces the bladder, allows the waters to come out, and the fetus begins its movement along the birth canal.

It also happens the other way around - the water breaks, but labor has not begun for some time.

In this case, two options are possible:

  • The cervix has not yet begun to open.
  • The cervix is ​​already dilating, labor is underway, the woman just doesn’t feel it. This option is extremely rare, but it does happen.

Main features

Normally, water should be colorless and practically odorless. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the color and smell. If the color is greenish, this is a very bad sign, signaling that you need to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. A green tint indicates that fetal feces have entered the water, which in turn signals its hypoxia (oxygen starvation). This is a very dangerous condition for a child's life.

Pink or brownish color does not signal danger, but you still need to hurry to the hospital.

Finally, clear waters indicate that the fetus is fine, labor, if it has not yet begun, will begin soon, which means you can already get ready for the maternity hospital.

There is this advice for pregnant women: in the second and third trimester it is better to wear white underwear and sleep on light-colored sheets. This will make it easier to determine what color the liquid is leaking.

Sometimes the water does not pour out all at once, but leaks a little at a time. Then it is not clear what kind of liquid this is, perhaps it is urine, since pregnant women sometimes experience involuntary release of urine due to pressure from the fetal head on the bladder. In this case, you need to wet a napkin with the liquid that is pouring out and determine its nature by the smell.

In any case, you need to go to the doctor to make sure exactly what kind of fluid is leaking and how long it will take to give birth.

What to do?

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, it becomes clear how urgently you need to go to the maternity hospital, but you must go there unless you have plans to give birth at home. If your water breaks at 38-42 weeks, then after 2-3 hours you can calmly get ready and drive to the hospital.

This is provided that the outflow occurred in a volume of about 250 ml. How can you tell how much water has spilled? Sometimes, during special training for pregnant women, they suggest conducting a small experiment to determine the amount of water. You need to prepare a cup of warm water, stand in the bath and pour it out so that all the liquid flows from the crotch down the legs. You need to remember this feeling. Repeat if necessary. When the water actually breaks, it will be easier to determine its volume.

If more fluid has passed, then again urgently go to the hospital - it is necessary to exclude the possibility of fetal hypoxia.

During labor, doctors monitor the condition of the child and, if his life is in danger, decide to perform a caesarean section. If the amniotic fluid has passed before 22 weeks, there is a very high risk that a miscarriage will occur. After 22 weeks, modern medicine can save the child, and then it will be a premature birth.

But sometimes it is possible to stabilize the pregnant woman’s condition and stop labor ahead of schedule. In this case, drugs are administered that protect the fetus from infection due to partially broken water.

If the period is about 28-32 weeks, then doctors, after assessing the condition of the mother and fetus, can decide to carry out childbirth. And at a period of more than 32 weeks, most often the matter ends through delivery.

Start of the process

When the time has come to give birth, the cervix is ​​ready to open, then contractions will begin approximately 2-3 hours after the water breaks. If this is the first pregnancy, then the cervix will open slowly; the first stage of labor, when contractions occur, can last 8-15 hours, and sometimes even more.

It turns out that if the water breaks, labor will occur in 10-20 hours. During the second and subsequent births, the cervix opens faster - after 4-7 hours the woman can already give birth.

It happens that the water has broken, but the cervix is ​​not ready yet - the opening does not occur. Then doctors stimulate labor using special drugs. Then the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus is monitored.

If labor does not begin for a long time or occurs but very weakly, then the need for delivery by cesarean section is determined.

A woman can be in a state of uncertainty for quite a long time when the amniotic fluid has drained and labor does not begin. It may take several hours. Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, you need to inform how much time has passed since the outpouring of water. Doctors will monitor the condition of the mother and fetus. The work of his heart is monitored, through which it will be clear whether hypoxia or other dangerous conditions are occurring.

Of course, doctors do not just insistently recommend going to the maternity hospital immediately. There are too many situations where the outcome is unclear. It is not known in advance how the body of a pregnant woman will behave. But doctors have one task - to preserve the life and health of mother and child.

During the entire time a woman is carrying a child, it is located in a special bladder, which is filled with amniotic fluid. For the fetus, it is a natural environment that protects it from all kinds of harmful environmental factors and helps it develop and grow harmoniously. Before childbirth, as a rule, but not for everyone, this bladder breaks its integrity, which entails the discharge of amniotic fluid.

This process means that the baby will be born within 9-11 hours. How can you tell when your water is breaking? After all, it happens that they do not pour out completely, but may leak.

What does amniotic fluid look like?

The process of discharge of this fluid does not always occur just before the baby is born. When this occurs prematurely, they speak of prenatal rupture of water. The process is considered early when the cervix is ​​not dilated enough and contractions are already underway. If the cervix is ​​dilated by more than 3 cm and there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid, then all this is timely. It also happens that the fluid does not drain, then the obstetrician manually pierces the bladder mechanically.

Color and its other parameters are important components by which you can assess what the course of labor will be and the subsequent actions of doctors.

What is the amount of water in pregnant women?

This indicator changes throughout the entire time the fetus is in the womb. Just before childbirth, their volume is about one and a half liters. This parameter does not mean that when the amniotic sac is punctured, there will be so much fluid. Usually, some amniotic fluid is released first, which moves the baby towards the cervix. After the fetus is pressed against the birth canal, a contact belt is created. This is where most of the liquid will pour out. Some water will remain in the amniotic sac. It will help make it easier for the baby to slide through the birth canal. Thus, the amniotic fluid is theoretically divided into anterior and posterior. How to understand that the amniotic fluid has broken? This can be quite difficult to do. But in the case when the amniotic sac ruptures from below, the entire anterior amniotic fluid is poured out. This process is similar to involuntary urination. This usually happens at night, during sleep.

What color should amniotic fluid be?

As a rule, amniotic fluid should be colorless or have a slightly yellowish tint. But it also happens that they are of a different color, which is not a very good sign. How can you tell if your water has broken before giving birth? This is possible if they have a different color from the urine. But as mentioned above, this is not good.

Green or cloudy amniotic fluid indicates fetal hypoxia or the presence of intrauterine infection. An unpleasant odor from them is also considered a bad sign. The presence of blood impurities indicates placental abruption. All this requires the immediate intervention of specialists to help the child.

What does it feel like when amniotic fluid breaks?

When the amniotic fluid is released, as a rule, the girl in the position does not experience any unpleasant sensations. Wetness in the perineum is the main sign of water breaking. Typically, pregnant women hear a pop when the membranes rupture, but not everyone experiences this.

Also, amniotic fluid may leak during labor. How can you tell when your water is breaking? This is clear from the spasm in the lower abdomen. But it also happens that a woman does not experience any symptoms. Therefore, some pregnant women are afraid to miss this process.

If the water breaks in the toilet, how can you tell? Usually all the anterior fluid is released. It feels as if a very large amount of water has poured out. Actually this is not true. There is much less of it than it seems.

Why is the amniotic sac pierced?

It also happens that the amniotic fluid does not leave until the very birth. There are several indications for which it is necessary to puncture the bladder:

Most girls are afraid to pierce the amniotic sac, but don’t. Nothing wrong with that. This procedure is painless, just a little unpleasant. Depending on the individual characteristics of each girl, the discharge of amniotic fluid can occur at any time, and most likely, closer to the date of birth. Every pregnant girl should know in advance the signs of amniotic fluid leakage in order to go to a medical facility at the right time.

How can you tell when a pregnant woman’s water will break soon?

If the fluid is released gradually, you should make sure that this does not cause harm to the fetus. You must immediately contact a specialist. If there are no contractions and if the due date is still far away, the doctor will test for water leakage and take a smear.

An amniotic fluid test can be done at home. To do this, it must be purchased at a pharmacy. This option is one of the answers to the question of how you can understand that your water has broken.

When the discharge is profuse, it is most likely amniotic fluid. It may contain mucus. This is normal. One of the signs of amniotic fluid is a sweet smell. Also, the outpouring of fluid when the amniotic sac ruptures cannot be stopped, such as urination.

What actions should be taken when the water breaks?

As soon as a pregnant woman realizes that she has had an outpouring or amniotic fluid is leaking, she should take with her documents, some of the necessary things (relatives will bring the rest later) and go to the hospital, namely the maternity hospital. Watery discharge indicates that the integrity of the amniotic sac is compromised and an infection can penetrate the fetus at any time. How can you tell when your water is breaking? This can also be done using various types of tests.

The fetus can only be without water for a while. Usually, if labor has not begun within 9-11 hours after the passage of amniotic fluid, specialists resort to stimulation of this activity or perform an operation called cesarean section. An indication for this is prolapse of the umbilical cord with a transverse presentation of the child. This circumstance can be seen when examining the patient.

In the case when the process of amniotic fluid leaks at home, you should evaluate its color and quantity and go to a medical facility. In the maternity hospital, a pregnant woman with this circumstance will definitely be examined and further measures will be taken (leave her in the hospital, give birth, or send her safely home). If the water breaks very early, the girl is urgently hospitalized and all the necessary procedures are done in order to save the child. As a rule, doctors manage to prolong pregnancy at 19 weeks.

Now you know how to understand that your water is breaking. But we should not forget that in any case it is necessary to promptly contact a specialist in case of this event.

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